Monday, August 7, 2017

The Burning Point

The Burning Point
By Tracy McKay
By Common Consent Press, 2017. 269 pgs. Biography

The subtitle perfectly summarizes this book, "a memoir of addiction, destruction, love, parenting, survival, and hope." Tracy weaves the story of her friendship, marriage, and later divorce to her husband David. The book is written with flashbacks and portions of her blog to tell her experience as a single mom, living in near poverty, and raising her children one of whom is on the Autism Spectrum. While David's decisions had a vast influence on not only her life, but her children's as well, Tracy doesn't bash him at all. She shows his humanity and his wonderful qualities and how addiction impacted their family.

Tracy writes with hope and love amidst some truly difficult situations. I've read Tracy's blog, Dandelion Mama, for years and while I was familiar with her story, this memoir was incredibly interesting to read. I was brought to tears several times reading about not only the hardships she faced, but also the many good people who helped her during her trials.


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